-The Raven wing project is still in full swing...well, moving at a reasonable pace considering I only get to work on the wings when I come home from A&M on the weekends. Anyway, so far I was able to complete six ribs this spring break; bringing the total to thirteen!
-I also decided to start another model to complement the recently completed CH-53E. It's the 1/48 Hasegawa AV-8B Harrier II Plus from VMA-513 Nightmares. The build progress can be found here.
-This spring break was also productive as far as practicing aerobatics. I was able to get a couple runs through the 2010 Intermediate sequence as well as do some film work and airshow routines.

-Some other projects...the Hog Bipe is in a steady state of very close to finished, but not quite, the Clipper has glue drying after repairing a broken stringer, a new engine is being machined, more videos are being planned, etc...
Until next time! And remember...only 127 days to get ready for Oshkosh!
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