Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Not much to update, but the Storch is complete. Just click the picture and it will take you to more pics of the completed build.


1 comment:

  1. Slick...as many say...great video shots and editing.
    1. Stay with SLO MO....watch Oshkosh 2009...compare to 2010. What U get is tears in eyes from great rock song and slow motion.
    2010...is just like MTV....nasty screaming background song and blip blip blip strobe effects video.

    2. Keep up great camera work and edit background announcer....example BlueAngles Alliance. They ruin experience and again nasty background jumpy type screaming music from grandstands. Use your own Killers or classic rock/roll music...Stones...Jimmy Hendrix playing StarSpangleBanner.

    Hopefully U will take suggestions in good manner.....from someone who really like Oshkosh2009 !

    Mike / ritschard@hotmail.com
